“She couldn’t understand a vocation. Some people can’t; at best, work’s about status and paychecks for them, it hasn’t got value in itself.“ -Robert Galbraith (The Silkworm)
Generally, a vocation is defined as a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action. Whereas, a job is defined as a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one’s occupation or for an agreed price.
In Robert Galbraith’s second book ( Robert Galbraith is the pen name used by J. K. Rowling) this same lack of appreciation for a vocation, causes protagonist Cormoran Strike to lose his longtime girlfriend who doesn’t understand his passion for his vocation.
Why Do Some People Hate Their Job, and What Can Someone Do About That Situation?
I feel it would be safe to state that most people don’t work for the sheer satisfaction of fulfilling their work obligations. And, I also feel comfortable in stating that most people look at their occupation as a job and not a vocation.
That’s ok! Not everyone is in love with what they do daily.
Being unhappy with your job can cause problems though since we spend about 60-70% of our lives working (about 50% of our waking hours.) Job dissatisfaction can ultimately lead to problems with mental health, physical health, and overall well-being.
Jobs and Health
Job dissatisfaction can cause significant mental and physical problems, such as:
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Weight loss, or weight gain
- Frequent illnesses
- Stomach problems
- Headaches
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress and fatigue
- Exacerbation of underlying mental illness
I’ve been a practicing dentist for over 45 years. Most of my working career has been joyful and joy-filled. But, some days have been better than others. After 45 years of active practice, I’m still excited about practicing and helping patients with their dental care. I’ve never considered quitting my career in Dentistry or considering another career path. But, in doing research for this blog I found that there are multiple potential solutions for job dissatisfaction. One article lists 6 ways to make a career change, another article lists 9 ways, and another article lists 13 different ways to make a career change.
Treatment Pathways for an Unhealthy Career
Through my studies of advanced restorative dentistry, I learned that there are five different treatment paths for the vast array of dental problems. This same philosophy can be used to treat a job that is unsatisfying and unhealthy.
Five Treatment Pathways for an Unhealthy Career (The five “R”s):
- Remove
- Replace
- Restore
- Reposition
- Release
- Remove– when evaluating a diseased tooth, one of the initial considerations is whether the tooth is salvageable. If the tooth is untreatable, then one treatment path is to remove it. In considering an unhealthy job or occupation the first obvious solution would be to remove oneself from an unhealthy workplace. There is no dishonor in quitting a job or occupation that is creating mental or physical problems and is not salvageable. At some point trying to maintain current job status may not be possible, desirable, or healthy. Everyone owes it to themselves to spend 50% of their awake hours working at a job that is meaningful or fulfilling. Quitting current employment closes the door with a current employer but, may open the door to new employment and unlimited employment opportunities.
- Replace– if a tooth’s present restoration (filling material) is defective and the tooth is treatable, then any problems within the tooth are treated and the filling material is replaced. Is it possible to replace a present job description within the same company with a different (new) job description that would be more meaningful and fulfilling? Moving to a different job description within the same company creates the least disruption while preserving the current company status and benefits.
- Restore– if a tooth or an area has a complex dental problem that is salvageable, but more complex, the tooth or area may be restored, or a tooth covered with a restorative material, to protect a compromised area in the mouth. There is some reason why you chose this particular job, or occupation, with this particular company. At some point, this has changed. Either your job description has been altered, your working conditions have been modified, or coworkers and management have changed. Whatever the reason, this has led to an unhealthy work environment. Is it possible to recreate (restore) original work hours, working conditions, or more amenable coworkers and management? Modifying existing work conditions to create a more favorable environment is normally much better than quitting and moving to a different position.
- Reposition– sometimes perfectly healthy teeth are in the wrong position (think- crooked teeth.) In this situation, the obvious solution is to orthodontically move the tooth from an incorrect position to a more optimal position. If you like what you’re doing, or like the company where you are presently employed but are unhappy in your current environment, then, in many cases, it is possible to relocate (reposition) to a different physical location or a different division within the same company. Sometimes, making a lateral move within the same company can make all the difference in the world!
- Release– after a thorough and thoughtful evaluation it is not always possible to resolve a dental problem. In these situations, the best outcome results from doing nothing (releasing oneself from a situation.) Even with advanced education and clinical experience, not every problem is fixable. In some cases doing nothing is a better solution than doing something that won’t correct a problem. In some work situations, there is no current workable solution for a job that is dissatisfying or unfulfilling. The best and most obvious solution is to do nothing currently and continue to evaluate and work towards a future solution that is more desirable.
Reasons to Hate Your Job
You may hate your job if:
- You are not valued
- Your skills aren’t being properly utilized
- Office politics are undesirable
- You don’t like management
- You don’t like coworkers
- You don’t like your work schedule
- Too much stress
- Low pay
- Poor communication
- A long commute
- Lack of benefits
If you look at all of the above reasons, you may realize that most, if not all of these problems, can be resolved through the application of one of the “Five Treatment Pathways for an Unhealthy Career.”
These pathways are not an absolute answer to every conceivable workplace problem but, provide a workable solution in the majority of cases. It is also easier to consider five pathways than more complex frameworks.
As a dental practice owner, I had considerable control over my environment, hours, and staff for most of my working career. But, I also had periods during my early career where I was employed by others.
Not all of these jobs had an ideal work environment but, I realized that these jobs and working conditions were short-term. I also realized that long-term exposure to a toxic work environment can be crippling to one’s health and wellness.
With the changes in retirement, plan portability, and social acceptance changing jobs is much easier in today’s workplace environment. But, only one of the five pathways presented requires that a person quit working for their present employer.
After many years as a dental practice owner and employer, I am painfully aware of the mental and monetary cost of losing employees. Employees need to realize that there is a cost to both employer and employee when a job is lost. In most cases, the employer will be willing to listen and act on a sound and reasonable work modification.
Final Thoughts
- Some people consider what they do in life as a vocation but, many people work to receive a paycheck
- Even people who love their jobs will not be happy every day of their working career.
- There are five workable pathways for someone who is unhappy in a work situation.
- Four of the five pathways speak to the philosophy of staying employed with the same company or employer but in a modified job description or location.
- There are many reasons to hate a current job but, most can be resolved by careful, consideration and application of the five treatment pathways for an unhealthy career.
- Employers generally will work with valued employees to relocate them in a different work position
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